Workin' hard, takin' names, and doin' your thing to build your career dreams.
Whether you feel like you're there or just getting started, you've come to the right place because I'm there with you!

 I'll bet that's you -  

What I love about strong brands is

the passionate people that fuel them.

What I love about strong brands is


passionate people that fuel them.

Sara Uhlenbrock-Heath

I’m a mom, wife, serendipitous dog-momma, small business owner, Hoosier transplant from Cincinnati (Wes’side! If you know, you know), and self-taught brand designer & strategist with over a decade of experience in the industry.

I started                     because I saw small business owners, solopreneurs, and job seekers missing opportunities because their value was shrouded in inconsistent branding, or a total lack thereof. Some didn’t realize the impact branding has on their businesses, while others just didn’t have the time, skills, or patience to put into it.

Well, it just so happens that pulling from your story, passion, and ideas to design a beautiful, recognizable brand that captures your audience is my superpower!

Owner,  Brand Designer / Brand Coach


(YU - len- brok)

"When I first met Sara I knew she was someone special.
She has the rare, combined qualities of peace-filled joy and deep insight."

Kenda Moss | Executive Director of Eve Center 

I'm hooked on:

hot tea, pumpkin spice, & Amazon Prime

If I could live anywhere:

Scituate (coastal town near Boston) or the Dominican Republic

What always surprises people:

I'm actually an introvert & I learned to ride (and love) dirt bikes when I turned 38

Pet peeve:

Excessive headshot filters, bad/inconsistent branding,  & chewing with your mouth open

I can't live without:

my daughter & beef bone broth
(I put it in my tea. Yes, I know it's weird 😏)

Favorite movie:

World War Z & Braveheart

Most important lesson:

"Be curious, not judgmental."
"When people show you who they are, believe them."

How friends/clients describe me:

welcoming, free-spirited,  stubborn,
always late for something

Let’s get to know each other ...

I encourage my clients to get personal when we work together.
So, it's only fair that I go first...

My nemesis:

sugar & flying

My inspiration:

my sisters

Ready to connect?

Values that define Uhlsee

I try to make sure everything I do comes from a place of...

Trust is what builds relationships. So, choose honesty, even when it makes you uncomfortable. Approach challenges with compassion and give others (and yourself) a little more grace.


We're in this together. Small business owners should be supporting and learning from each other. Remember all of the support you received in your journey and pay it forward when you can.


We're never really finished learning. Take it all in through books, people, podcasts, videos, workshops/classes, mentors, mistakes, and experiences (good and bad). Apply it to your life and share it.

Continuous Learning

Find what makes you glow. Take care of yourself physically and mentally while celebrating the little things and seeking out the lessons within challenges that will help you grow. 

Live Your Best Life