...when a rumor spread like wildfire? And how hard it was to set the record straight by the time it got around? 

The truth is, we don't know what we don't know.

And            where a                               comes in.

Remember in high school...

brand audit

Well, we’re not in high school anymore (thank God!), but the same phenomenon is true for brands. So, what's your brand saying about you?


A brand audit combs through the assets and elements of your brand to uncover what's working         and/or                you - and how to fix it.

I need this!

A brand audit combs through the assets and elements of your brand to uncover what's working            and/or                  you - and how to fix it.



Does my brand communicate my mission, vision, and values?
does it give off the right vibe?
what are people saying about my brand?
is it clear and consistent? 
does it set me apart from competitors?
Do people understand what i do?
Are my clients loyal and referring me to others?
is it time for a rebrand/brand refresh?

I need answers

A brand audit is the step in the middle asking questions like...

Once you complete the questionnaire, we'll have a discovery call to discuss your responses and identify your brand assets for review.


How it works...



This is where I do the heavy lifting for you.
I'll analyze the facets of your brand and package the results and recommendations into a detailed report. 

Together we'll review the report and recommendations for strengthening your brand's impact (and preventing any of those phony little rumors).


Full Audit


+ Questionnaire
+ Discovery call (60m)
+ Brand Audit:
    - Core Identity (mission, vision, values)
     - Visual Assets (logo, colors, font, images)
    - Brand Guide
    - Website (content and design)
    - Business cards
    - Up to 3 pieces of printed marketing (ex. flyer,
       one-pager, letterhead/notecards)
    - Up to 2 pieces digital media (ex. newsletter,
       ads, presentations, blog page)
   - 2 additional items (ex. packaging, logo gear,
      vehicle wraps)
   -  Up to 2 social media platforms
   - Buyer journey process
+ Brand Audit report and recommendations
+ Review and consultation (60m)
+ Discounted rebrand, brand update, or website design service

Brand Audit


i need this

Do you have time to run a brand audit while running your business? Does combing through the various assets that make up your brand, researching competitors, and perhaps talking to clients fit your schedule? Can you squeeze in time to turn the results into a strategy that grows your brand into something stronger?


“But, there are tons of free how-to videos and worksheets online.
Why should I hire someone to do it for me?”

That's a fair question... 



A DIY brand audit can only get you so far. It's far more productive to have someone who understands what it takes to build a brand from the ground up, who understands how to recognize the glitches and provide a strategy to ensure your brand communicates the right message to your audience through every touchpoint in your customer journey.

You know what you want to say and how you want it to come off, but from an outside perspective, it could be conveying something different. That's why I begin with a fresh look at your business—from the outside in—then put on my branding hat to determine if your branding is on point and develop a strategy to get it there.

You might be asking yourself,

You know there are some cracks in your brand foundation and you're ready to find and fix them.

You're trying to decide whether you need a brand refresh or a full rebrand.

You're a small business owner or army of one who wants to make sure your branding game is strong.

now's the time if...

Ready to dig in?

it may not be the right time if...

You find that people don't seem to understand what you do or why you're different.

You're not ready to accept constructive criticism.

You're not clear on your brand design and strategy.

You're an owner/leader that requires me to channel projects/approvals through your team or superiors rather than working directly with you.

it's definitely time

You're still piecing together what your business will offer or how you will provide those products/services.

(Click here to get it there.)

You're about to launch your brand and you want to make sure the vibe is strong and connects with your ideal client.

You're not ready to make changes to your brand identity or strategy.