I have yet to work with a client who doesn’t cringe when they hear this question during networking or in an interview. Ok, so let’s turn that around. With a little preparation and an infusion of your personality, you can turn this moment into a golden opportunity to impress new connections or your potential employer.
So, how can you make this happen? It’s simple, my friend. Just follow these steps, so you make the best first impression:

- “Hi, my name is…..and I’m a….” Start by stating your most recent position and job title. Let them know where you’re coming from.
- “My key responsibilities were…..” Share your key responsibilities, highlighting your skills, expertise, and one or two accomplishments that you’re most proud of. Show them what you bring to the table.
- “People tell me I’m….A…B…C” Boost your credibility with a third-party reference. It’s okay to toot your own horn a little.
- “I think I’m great at….” Now it’s time to reveal your superpowers! What do you think you excel at? Let your potential employer know what makes you unique.
- “I’m looking for….” Wrap it up by explaining your immediate career objective. What’s your next move? Why are you sitting in that interview chair? Show them the value you can bring to their organization. How does your expertise relate to the hiring criteria and problems they are hiring (you) to solve?
By following this approach, you can transform your networking opportunities and interviews into a lively conversation, rather than a scattered question-and-answer marathon. Oh, and here’s a bonus tip: write out your response, rehearse it, and then let it flow naturally. So go ahead, ace that “tell me about yourself” question like a pro. You’ve got this!
Peg Lewin is Career Transition Specialist and Owner of Learn, Launch, Land, recognized for helping people strategically navigate career transition, intentionally manage career growth, and LAND their ideal job.
With proven success in strategic planning, business transformation, and human resource development, her expertise spans multi-industry, Fortune 100 companies. As a process improvement expert and passionate change catalyst, her focus is to always enable fast, sustainable, high-performance results. Connect with Peg for more insight on shifting your career search to get better results: peg@careerpath.coach or (513) 235 – 6055
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