Any of these sound familiar?

Does anyone even read cover letters anymore? What else can I try?

How can I be sure my connections remember me?

How can I stand out among other qualified applicants?

How do I get people to want to read my resume or talk to me?

So much networking - somedays it feels like I'm stuck in a hamster wheel. 

I can't seem to break through in my job search.







I need a more impactful way to check in after an interview.


I need a way to showcase myself when there's no time for a conversation.


Fast forward to the formation of Uhlsee and conversations with a friend/mentor, who specializes in career transition and outplacement -  the Professional Spotlight    was born.

I've been there, too!

In 2008, I lost my job and, as a new, single mom, I had all the same worries and frustrations.

I learned that it takes more than a killer resume and perfected elevator pitch to get noticed. 

So, what is this Professional Spotlight     thing?



So, what is this Professional Spotlight    thing?


I need one of those!

The Professional Spotlight


For the job seeker 

      In short, it's a                                                                                     to add to your job search arsenal. It pulls out the golden nuggets from your experience, achievements, skills, and personality to                               above a sea of qualified resumes and cover letters, leaving connections wanting to learn more.

In short, it's a                                                                                         to add to your job search arsenal. It pulls out the golden nuggets from your experience, achievements, skills, and personality to                                 above a sea of qualified resumes and cover letters, leaving connections wanting to learn more.

showcase you

showcase you

one-page, customized

marketing tool 

one-page, customized marketing tool

It's opened doors for me that wouldn't have opened!
I love the final version. It was an enlightening and beneficial journey!

Dave Gooch | Organizational Development Leader

Atticus Consulting, LLC Services

What can you do with your Professional Spotlight  ?

Post on your LinkedIn page
Use it as a cover letter
Share at  networking events
Send to friends/family
Send prior to interview
Post-interview check-in
Mail to target companies (yep, good 'ole snail mail)
Post-interview thank you
Leave behind after your interview
Include as attachment to ATS applications
Send to your network

Here are a few ideas…

I'm ready to stand out

When you land that SWEET new j-o-b, send this to all your new colleagues to introduce yourself.



Once we decide we’re a good fit, we’ll have a 60-minute discovery call where I get to learn more about you, your journey, your goals, and review the documents and info you already have.


How it works...



I’ll get to work creating the content and the design for your Spotlight. But, don’t worry, I know you’re the expert in your field, so we’ll talk through each draft of your Spotlight to get it to the final stage.

The final result is a distinctive Professional Spotlight    giving you that extra swagger in your search. 




Let's get started


If you want a smart investment that will pay dividends by improving your chances of getting an offer from a new employer, work with Sara to design a spotlight... Within two weeks of sharing mine with a company, I was offered and I accepted a position. Thank you Sara!

Scott Corey, PMP, CSM | Project Manager at Carl Zeiss Vision

Atticus Consulting, LLC Services

+ 60-minute Discovery call
+ Up to two 45-minute revision calls (if applicable)
+ Up to 3 rounds of revisions
+ PDF version of completed Spotlight
+ Match your Spotlight branding with your other job
   search docs
+ And, I get that sometimes things change (a new
  certification, skill, job change...)  and you don't have
  the software to update your Spotlight. So, I'll also
  provide one additional round of minor edits to be
  used  at a later time.

Professional Spotlight


Looking for examples?


+ 60-minute Discovery call
+ Up to two 45-minute revision calls (if applicable)
+ Up to 3 rounds of revisions
+ PDF version of completed Spotlight
+ Match your Spotlight branding with your other job search docs
+ And, I get that sometimes things change (a new certification, skill, job change...)
   and you don't have the software to update your Spotlight. So, I'll also provide
   one additional round of minor edits to be used at a later time.

You're clear about what you're looking for in your next career adventure. 

You're looking for a way to stand out in your job search.

Now is a good time if...

Is a Professional Spotlight  for you?

It may not be time yet if...

You're resume is updated - it doesn't have to be ready for print, but should have your recent info.

You're still trying to figure out whether you want to find another job or to start your own business.

You don't have an updated resume yet.

You haven't narrowed down exactly what you're looking for in your next job (location, role, focus, type of company, etc).

It's for me!


[Sara] has a creative ability to make each spotlight unique to best highlight what makes you special. In today’s job search market, this could be what gets you the interview...She really listens to what you want to showcase & she delivers a fantastic finished product.

Lisa Lyman, CTP | Vice President/Correspondent Banking Officer of United Bankers'​ Bank

Atticus Consulting, LLC Services

A few examples...

See one you like? Let me know!

Let's work together